Hi again from the coop!
It has been awhile since last post, but that does not mean nothing is new!
Cassanova, our Golden Laced Polish rooster who filled in for Dotte, the beloved Blue Laced Red Wyandotte we lost to a fox attack in March, will most likely be moving on next week. If all goes well he will be up in a more northern county living out yet another life as a rooster to a flock that has lost its way and needs guidance...
I have been looking for a new home for him because we decided to keep two of our spring-hatched roosters... And here they are:

Pablo (named becase he looks like a painting aka. Picasso) is up on the stump and Reubens (again, after the painter) has his back to us, to the left of Pablo. They are both quite a bit larger than Cassanova (not to mention QUIETER!!). Between the two roosters, our 17 hens should be well guarded... When Cassanova moves on there will be some adjustment, but so far we have not had any battles between the brothers so we will keep our fingers crossed!
Here is Pablo up closer:

And, good old Cassanova... May he live a long and healthy life with his new flock, making all the noise he wishes up in Duchess county!!

Be well you punk!
Even though you chased us and crowed at all hours of the day, you will be missed!
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