Who knew we missed the colors of our environment until they peeked out from behind closed buds and sleeping trees? Now that spring is here, not just the birds are singing... we are all happy that warmer days are on the rise.
Our little birds? They are big!
Our big birds? They are bossy! Such is life on the farm.
Last time I posted, the little ones had a makeshift daytime outdoor pen that looked like this:

Now the chicks and the chickens live together in the coop (albeit separated by a cage at night just in case anyone gets any ideas of the negative sort while 'cooped' up!)
This is what it looks like with newly completed fencing:

The big birds free-range during the day if they are lucky while the new ones remain inside the fence. This week I am hoping to get some close up photos of the new birds - since we were not sure who was a keeper (female) and who was getting passed on (male), we have not named any yet. But, one thing is for sure, they are GORGEOUS!!