Monday, March 23, 2009

34. Just Hatched!

Amazing, amazing, AMAZING!!

We incubated 12 eggs, 5 blue/green Ameraucana and 7 brown Cochin, Astraulorp, and Black Star. ALL 12 Hatched!!! After hand turning the eggs 3 times a day and maintaining the temperature and water levels inside, they began to pip (poke holes), zip (cut a line of holes across the shell) and hatch 19 days after incubation. Wow!

The baby chicks are now all settled in a brooder fabricated out of a clear plastic storage bin and a red heat lamp. They are doing very well! We have 5 that look unmistakably Ameraucana, three that are grey/black and 4 that are yellow. Adorable! And just in time for spring!
Here is some of the new hatch... Cute!

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