Tuesday, December 15, 2009

41. December has arrived...

Happy December!
While you might not have heard from us for a long while, the coop is still as active as ever!

After Cassanova left us to his new good home, Pablo and Reubens skirted around the flock not too sure of what their role was... But sooner or later, as life moves on the farm, one of them figured out a new boss roo was needed. Pablo seems to be stepping up to fill that role and our flock is taking shape as yet another newly formed cohesive mix of hens and roos from here and there.

Here is a video of a few of the new girls investigating the first snow of the yesr:

It is Pablo who calls them back inside the coop while I tend to the fallen netting that served as the roof before the snowfall brought it down.

The four hens are still unnamed - more on that soon!